
Why you should change your home office style now.

Be honest. For how long have you been wearing your lazy home look, even for doing your professional work? Stop it. What I tell you now is not my own opinion, it is a matter of psychology, style language and business dresscode rules.


Reason Number 1: clothes have a meaning to us. And our mood, our feeling change with the quality of our look. A serious blazer, a nice hair style remind us of serious and professional meetings and office days where are focus on good results and on our job of course. A pj pants is a typical lazy in bed- weekend mode- piece. It never can give us the feeling and mood we need to do serious and good work at home- especially when the kids are around us, the washing machine could be activated- you are at home, so what....The more house mama you look, the less professional you will feel. The less professional you look, the less respect your family will give you. So you are just mom doing a bit work, aren´t you`? So...for you own mental and professional well-being, look like a professional, not just pretending to be in your telephone calls or Skype chats.


Reason Number 2:  Look yourself in the mirror, wearing a nice dress, nice blouse and pants, having your hair done, a bit of perfume and make-up.What happens with your mood? It is altering! You feel great because you cared for you. You are worth it.




Reason Number 3: The better and high-quality your look, the easier it is for you to charge higher prices, show your value, be self-confident. The value of your look determines the value of your offer. Just imagine. You want to make a live, you do a chat with a potential client- and you look a bit underdressed. Okay, you would never look underdressed when meeting a potential client, you shout.Sorry, I forgot. JUst when you are with yourself and when doing a quick live video, your group members, don´t bother.Sorry to say that- they bother. They feel that you don´t seem to put effort in you. And in them.


Reason Number 4:Dressing up is not just about you and your value and your self-esteem. It is about your client, too. This client should get your best version. He or she is worth getting your best version.


Clothes speak a language, to the inside and to the outer world.

Never underestimate that.

Use it.

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